2024 Entrepreneur Retreat Getaways
Hey there,
We invite you! You, boss babe, you, to experience a harmonious blend of relaxation, collaboration, and inspiration!
Embark on a transformative journey together in the gorgeous wilderness to refocus + reenergize your business for the 2024 year and beyond! These exclusive connection retreats allow you to share years of wisdom with close + curated entrepren-hers and carve out time to get down to biz-nazz! It’s a work & Wellness Getaway — each place has a lounge pool, jacuzzi, and firepit to reclaim our energy. #vibes.
Join us for an intensive VIP Day optimizing and organizing your business. Gain foundational knowledge, connect with like-minded individuals, and lay the groundwork for your business aspirations during interactive sessions led by experienced mentors. We’ll save you years of setting up your business by giving you everything you need.
Entrepreneurial Years = 3+
Confident Solopreneur
Elevate your entrepreneurial ventures with advanced strategies and personalized insights. Refine your business approach and build a supportive network, empowering you to navigate challenges confidently and scale your business. We discuss everything from finances, taxes, organization systems, feedback on offerings, branding, and more.
Entrepreneurial years = 5+
Expansive Entrepreneur
Take your business to new heights by delving into expansion strategies and implementing key practices to attract more clients. Benefit from the insights of industry experts’ advice to optimize your operations and foster the growth of your business. Use these three days to refocus and realign your operations so your business can thrive.
Entrepreneurial Years = 1+